32 Kelly Road, Jet Park, Boksburg, Gauteng
011 914 3198 /082 796 2361 


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Home  >  Weighbridges


GW – Gross weight is simply the weight of the vehicle, when fully loaded, and is an indication of the total weight of everything on the bridge, including the vehicle.

GVW – Gross Vehicle Weight Tare Weight is the weight of the vehicle after the load has been removed.


Axle Weight means in relation to an axle of a vehicle, the total weight transmitted by the wheels attached to that axle to the surface on which the vehicle rests.

The Axle Weight of a wheeled vehicle is the total weight bearing on the roadway for all wheels connected to a given axle. Axle load is an important design consideration in the engineering of roadways and designed to tolerate a maximum weight-per-axle. Exceeding the maximum rated load will cause damage to the roadway and result in fines for overloading.

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Net Weight – (when referring to a container) is the total weight of the cargo after it has been packed into a container – this will exclude the tare weight of the container.

Tare Weight – (when referring to a container) is the weight of an empty container.

Gross Weight – (when referring to a container) is the total weight of the cargo plus the tare weight of the container.


These weighbridges are beyond the normal 60-ton legal requirement and built to suit your individual needs.


Lightning voltages and currents can cause severe damage to electronic equipment.

We can ensure maximum protection by upgrading our Standard Lightning Protection. By doing this, it will help to:

  • Intercept lightning strikes to a safer point away from the weighbridge
  • Prevent injury or death of persons in close proximity of the weighbridge
  • Protect your weighing system.

CWCSA offers great flexibility in financial solutions for businesses wishing to acquire a weighbridge or a management solution. Finance options are available on new weighbridge purchases through our financial partners.


A pit is excavated to accommodate the size of the weighbridge. The pit walls and floor is casted with reinforced concrete. Block foundation is casted with reinforced concrete on the pit floor to accommodate the loadcells of the weighbridge. The weighbridge is installed into the pit to be level with the surrounding surface and all installed components is under the weighbridge deck/s to allow free movement on the weighbridge deck/s.  The weighbridge can be accessible for maintenance through a manhole either on the side of the pit of through a manhole in the weighbridge deck depending on the customer’s needs. Pit mounted installations is beneficial when there is not sufficient area around the weighbridge for access ramps to the weighbridge and generally insufficient area around the weighbridge.